MoveMe Packages
Quickly understand where toxins may be lurking in everyday routines
Go in depth into one room of your choice
Learn how to create a safer home environment where you can relax with ease and confidence
A thorough examination of your home environment, with a detailed checklist.
Deep diving into the Kitchen, Bathroom and LaundryÂ
Discover how your Auto-Pilot actions maybe causing you to degrade your Health and your families well-being
Create a toxin and plastic free sanctuary for your family
Deep diving into the Kitchen, plus hand pick areas of interest to steer your household towards a more sustainable and health-conscious future.
Prioritize your family’s well-being by eliminating potential toxins that may contribute to Health issues
All Packages include a Workbook for guidance, an Action Plan to move forward and WhatsApp support M-F 9am-5pm PST