We can’t solve all the massive problems of the world, but we can
contribute to the cure.
Let’s learn how to move away from plastics & chemicals and improve our health, home, environment and the ocean.
We can’t solve all the massive problems of the world, but we can
contribute to the cure.
Let’s learn how to move away from plastics & chemicals and improve our health, home, environment and the ocean.

Hi, I'm Tina Tesch-Myers

My mission is to help people understand that simple small changes can have a ripple effect, making a phenomenal impact on your health and environment.

First, let’s understand

how plastics are

affecting our health

Respiratory problems, carcinogenic risks, impact on fertility and prenatal development just to name a few…

I’m so glad you’re here!
Let me share with you


I created Move Me

While walking along the ocean with my 13 year old son, he  turned to me and said “you guys have screwed up the environment and now we have to clean it up”. His words were burnt into my soul and l could see the weight of it in his eyes. That moment became the heartbeat of Move Me.

I’m so glad you’re here. I'd like to share

with you


I created Move Me

Meet Tina

I’m passionate about helping families make small, sustainable changes in their daily habits, with the hope that these efforts will ripple out to protect both our environment and future generations.

So, how can we each

become part of the solution?

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Take a deeper dive into microplastics and their effect on your health
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Download my FREE DIY recipes of eco-friendly products !
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Ready to really jump in? Let’s work together to make some real change!
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Take a deeper dive into microplastics and their effect on your health
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Download my FREE DIY recipes of eco-friendly products !
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Get daily inspiration and tips on my instagram
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Ready to really jump in? Let’s work together to make some real change!

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